Here is what Queeneth said in a recent interview when she
was asked if she could act a semi-nude role or act in a pant and bra. Her
I don’t mind, if the money is right, why not? The problem
with Nigerians is that most of us are hypocrites. This same pant and bra is the
reason some of them buy or rent Hollywood movies. What is wrong in someone
being free, doing his or her job? Some actresses would want to act a role but
they will be like, I don’t want to be criticized. I don’t believe in all that. Continue below.

She also said, Oc Ukeje, Joseph Benjamin and Ik Ogbonna are not good
enough for her, but Gbenro of Tinsel will do anyday anytime.
We have a lot of hunky actors in Nollywood, if you were to pick, who will that be?
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